7 Tips to Winterize your natural hair

7 Tips to Winterize your natural hair

Summer and natural hair go together like peanut butter and jelly. Whether air drying your wash and go style while running errands, going full on Angela Davis afro to the summer lawn concert, or sleek curls at a rooftop soiree, the summer months are when your curls get a chance to shine. However, once the sunny days start to shorten, and you start feeling the crisp in the air and the Frappuccino orders turn to cappuccino, you sadly notice dry dull hair. NO WORRIES!! A few simple tweaks to winterize your current natural hair routine can be all you need to protect your curls until you’re reunited with the summer breeze.


Similar to skin, hair needs similar attention to combat those cold blustery days by providing extra moisture to maintain elasticity, avoid split ends, breakage as well as helping to prevent unwanted knots and tangles.

If you try these few tips, you will see less damage and more hair length and retention.

  1. Pre-poo Oil Treatment

Coating your hair with a healthy hair oil (olive, coconut, argan, baobab, tea tree, almond to name a few) prior to shampooing will protect your hair from drying out and serve as another conditioning treatment. For an extra umph, coat your hair, then sit under a heating cap or dryer for a few minutes for a deep condition. The oil will seep into your hair shaft, which is a good thing. Moisturizing Scalp and Hair Repair Oil – KB-Kintsugi Beauty

  1. Double Condition or Hair Mask Conditioner

Most naturals already use a deep conditioner or a leave in treatment, but you may need to use both during the winter, especially those living up North. If you are afraid of buildup, try a hydrating hair mask. Look for the ones that have yummy hair oils like listed about or try the Kintsugi Beauty Hydrating Mask. Ultra Moisturizing Matcha & Shea Butter Hair Mask 12.0 oz – KB-Kintsugi Beauty 

  1. Protective Styles

Though I’m not a fan or protective styles due to personal preference, braids, twists, Bantu knots can help keep your ends hidden away from the harsh cold winds and lessen the amount of hair manipulation. Plus, it can save you time in the morning getting ready for the day! So go ahead and press that snooze button a couple of times.

  1. The Food You Eat Matters

You are what you eat and that goes for your hair too. Eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals is a sure way to keep your hair follicles happy and hair growth consistent. And since we are all about hydration, don’t forget to get your eight glasses a day.

  1. Just Say No to the Shower Cap

Believe it or not, shower steam is great for your locs. As you may already know, moisture is a staple for natural hair. Personally, I wear my hair in a pineapple to bed, so in the morning I take it down and allow the shower steam to help my hair fall back into place. This is doubly great if you don’t already own a hair steamer. Trust me, your curls will love you for it.

WARNING: Do not wet your hair through. I will not be held responsible for the icicles hanging from your head while you’re waiting for the L.

  1. Seal Your Hair (Especially Ends)

At the end of any post wash styling session, make sure to coat your hair with a sealing product to lock in the moisture. The sealant creates a barrier between your hair and the elements, like a sweater for your strands. Since shea butter and coconut oil, two popular sealants, are solid in cold temps, try an oil that is liquid at room temp like olive oil, almond oil, or jojoba oil.


  1. Get A Pre-Fall Trim

Trimming is nothing to be afraid of and should be done periodically throughout the year, but a pre-cold weather trim gets you off on the right foot. Trims aid in less knotting, easy detangling, and better styling results, so it will make your hard winters work that much easier.

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